Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Institute of Optometry is situated at a spacious 6000 square meters building adjacent to Sankara Eye Hospital. The Institute currently runs B Optom, M Optom and Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant courses affiliated to Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University, Chennai. In addition, the Institute also facilitates the training of students undergoing a two-years Diploma in Optometry offered through Bharat Sevak Samaj.
The Institute has an impressive and Dynamic team of Optometrists and Doctors as faculty comprising both in-house and visiting professionals from the fields of Optometry and Ophthalmology including the doctors working with Sankara Eye Hospital. Coverage of subjects is done with a focus on knowledge application to practical situations and to ensure that students are industry ready when they pass out of our Institute
The facilities available in the Institute include:
- Library with a large collection of required books to facilitate reference, reading and research
- Spacious class rooms fitted with LCD projectors, computers, LCD TV screens and white boards
- Internet facility in every classroom
- Physical Optics Lab
- Biochemistry Lab
- Computer lab with internet facility
- Optometry lab equipped with all necessary instruments

The availability of such facilities ensure that the students have every opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms to practical application and gain clinical skills even before being sent for Internship.
The students are also posted in various departments of the Hospital where state of the art equipment are available to gain first-hand experience of Hospital operations under the guidance of senior Optometrists and ophthalmologists.
The students are actively engaged in various activities like, eye donation rally, world sight day and world optometry day celebrations, Glaucoma awareness, apart from regular quiz and seminars.