About Us
About Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Institute of Optometry
Sankara Eye Hospital, Pammal, Chennai
Sankara Eye Hospital, Pammal, Chennai is a state of the art eye care hospital set up with the primary objective of addressing the problem of avoidable blindness. A NABH accredited as well ISO certified non-profit organization, Sankara Eye Hospital caters to the needs of rural and urban population. The Hospital has an excellent faculty for Glaucoma, Vireo Retinal surgery, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Low Vision Centre, binocular vision problems and all related sub specialties. The Hospital carries out about 17,500 surgeries every year and have so far carried out nearly 285,000 surgeries. Please see www.kannoli.net for details of the services provided by Sankara Eye Hospital, Pammal.

sri jayendra saraswathi institute
Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University have recognized Sri Jayendra Saraswathi Institute of Optometry, Sankara Eye Hospital, Pammal, Chennai as an affiliated Institution for conducting the following UG & PG in Optometry and Diploma in Ophthalmic Assistant courses. These courses are run under the banner of Sri Jayendra Sarawathi Institute of Optometry (SJSIO)
The internship for the above courses are conducted at Sankara Eye Hospital, our students are therefore assured of extensive hands-on training.
B Optom, awarded by Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University, Chennai under Allied Health Science – four years Undergraduate programme
M Optom, awarded by Tamil Nadu Dr M G R Medical University, Chennai under Allied Health Science – two years Postgraduate programme
About the University
The need to have a separate Medical University in Tamilnadu exclusively to deal with medical education and research at Under graduate, Post graduate and Doctoral level was keenly felt for over a period of years and was under consideration of the State Government since 1980. The State Government appointed a High Level Committee consisting of Dr. A. Venugopal, Dr. M. Natarajan and Dr. S. Kameswaran to go into all aspects of establishing a separate Medical University and make suitable recommendations to the State Government.
Apart from modern medicine, the Committee was also requested to examine and suggest improvements to be made in other traditional systems of Indian Medicine viz. Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani. The intension was that the Medical University to be established in Tamil Nadu should bring about co- ordination between various educational and training institutions of modern medicine as well as other Indian Systems of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy, etc. and promote research. Based on the report of the Committee, the Medical University was established by the Government of Tamil Nadu.
The Tamil Nadu Medical University Act, 1987 (Act No.37 of 1987) received the assent of the President of India on 24th September, 1987. By an Act No. 39 of 1991, it was amended that the Act may be called “The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, Act, 1987. This affiliating University governed by the said Act started functioning from July 1988. The Students admitted to the various Medical and Paramedical courses after 1.3.1988 come under this Medical University as per Government notification issued in G.O.Ms.No.1628/Health, Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy and Family Welfare Department dated 23.08.1988.
This is the only Medical University in Tamil Nadu capable of granting affiliation to new institutions under Government or Self-financing in Medical, Dental, Indian Medicine/Homoeopathy & Allied Health Sciences(Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy etc.) and awarding degrees under a single umbrella to maintain uniform and high standards of education. Until 1988, all degrees of Health Sciences were awarded by the University of Madras.

About Optometry
Optometry is a healthcare profession concerned with the eyes and related structures, as well as vision, visual systems, and vision information processing in humans. An Optometrist is an Institutionally educated and clinically trained and regulated primary health care professional involved in examination, diagnosis and treatment of vision, visual system and related problems.